2019 Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run - "The Sequel" How often does one get to go back and re-write their history? I first ran Western States in 2010 at the age of 33, exactly 9 years ago. Youth, along with some raw talent and speed was in my favor then, but proper experience in 100 mile races was not. I came in with no concrete plan on how to execute the race. No spreadsheets, little crew or pacer instructions, little thoughts about gear, and no real heat training. Instead, I hoped that my large aerobic base would get me through efficiently. It was a snow route year and I enjoyed being able to make the detour onto easier fire roads instead of the slushy stuff up on the higher ridges of the original route. I ran close to the first half of the race at sub 20 hour pace and all seemed to be well. Until it wasn't. Once I left Last Chance aid at mile 43 it was the beginning of the end as I descended into the notoriously hot "canyon" section of the race....
Showing posts from July, 2019